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Kitzig Design Studios offer the perfect combination of interior design, architecture, branding and communication from a single source. The teams apply an interdisciplinary approach and develop comprehensive design solutions in each of these areas for clients all over the world.

The focus of each project is always on striking the perfect balance between functionality, aesthetics and individuality. No matter what the team at Kitzig Design Studios comes up with, it has to match the people involved and their specific requirements, and may therefore be loud or quiet, reserved or extrovert. However, sustainability, authenticity, progress and the aim of a pleasing end result are always incorporated into all processes. Company founder Olaf Kitzig: "Keeping an eye open for new influences, people and their needs is incredibly important to us. We also consciously push boundaries, as something new can only evolve if we go beyond them." Thanks to this philosophy, Kitzig Design Studios has been one of Europe's leading design studios for over 25 years, a fact proven by the numerous awards we have won for our work and our countless satisfied clients from the hotel and hospitality industry, the healthcare and business premise development sector, the retail sector and many home owners.


We combine design and architecture with our passion for the turbulent and the quiet life, the peace and beauty in our world, which is so interconnected and yet so vulnerable.
Together with you, we aim to create a unique world, with values such as sustainability, authenticity, advancement and sensuousness.

Olaf Kitzig founder and CEO


For over 25 years, we have been realising projects worldwide in our offices in four cities.









Our DNA in 80 seconds

Interior Design

All of our design concepts are aimed at giving interiors a soul. People must be able to feel and experience spaces – and the interior design must make a decisive contribution to this. For us, a successful concept is therefore much more than just filling a space surrounded by four walls: It must inspire emotions, tell a story and also cleverly combine aesthetics and functionality. We never approach the end result with a set concept in mind but continuously engage with the location, space and personalities of the people involved. We incorporate local, historic, geographical or cultural references; our concepts are therefore more than just blueprints – they're authentic. When we realise projects, we take the specifications provided by our clients on board but also set new international benchmarks. Our expertise ranges from new property development projects to the refurbishment or renovation of existing buildings and considerate listed building conversions.

our clients

Whether small or large, national or international: Our clients are as unique as the designs we develop for them. Many of them have already put their trust in our work for many years. Our cooperation approach always focuses on collaboration and joint project development. Making our clients happy is the essence of our business.


Together with the interior design, brand design creates a cohesive brand image. Combining the two disciplines facilitates a flowing transition from architecture to branding. We cover the entire corporate identity realisation process, from the initial concept and the actual design to a detailed realisation plan. We always begin by searching for what defines the core of each brand, and then come up with customised strategy as well as design solutions. We develop the visual imagery (print and online) in parallel to the design of spaces, and attach equal importance to it. The ultimate aim is always a comprehensive design concept.


We are here for you.
Contact us without obligation.


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Das grau-weiße Designkonzept lenkt den Fokus auf das Wesentliche und unterstützt mental bei der Konzentration im Training. Facettenreiche Grafiktapeten in den Trainingsräumen oder in den Sitznischen lockern das Arrangement auf und setzen in Verbindung mit kräftigen Farben und weichen Materialien in den Relaxbereichen moderne Highlights.⁠
The grey and white design concept draws the focus to the essentials and provides mental support for concentration during training. Multifaceted graphic wallpaper in the training rooms or in the seating niches loosens up the arrangement and creates modern highlights in combination with bold colours and soft materials in the relaxation areas.⁠
Design by Kitzig Interior Design ⁠
#kitzigdesignstudios #kitziginteriordesign #fitnesslounge #healthy #fitness #fit⁠
#dortmund #fitnessstudiodesign #healthyliving #gym #gymdesign
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⁠Wir freuen uns über die Veröffentlichung unseres Projektes „COCO - Cologne Office Campus Ossendorf“ der Osmab Holding AG im Sammelband OFFICE+OBJEKT“. Das Buch zeigt Lieblingsprojekte von Architekten, Planern und Herstellern, ist im PRIMA VIER Verlag erschienen und über OFFICE-ROXX.DE zu beziehen.⁠
We are delighted about the publication of our project ‘COCO - Cologne Office Campus Ossendorf’ by Osmab Holding AG in the anthology ‘OFFICE+OBJEKT’. The book features favourite projects by architects, planners and manufacturers, has been published by PRIMA VIER Verlag and is available from OFFICE-ROXX.DE.⁠
Design by Kitzig Interior Design⁠
#kitzigdesignstudios #kitziginteriordesign #interiordesign #interior #office #officedesign #workspace #businesspremises #newwork #book #osmabholdingag
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⁠Die Renovierung eines traditionsreichen Alpenhotels unterstreicht die vielen historischen Elemente wie Holzdecken- und Einbauten und Kunsthandwerke. Neue Möbel, Bezugsstoffe und Accessoires setzen hierzu bewusst moderne Kontraste.⁠
The renovation of a traditional Alpine hotel emphasises the many historical elements such as wooden ceilings, fixtures and handicrafts. New furniture, upholstery fabrics and accessories deliberately create modern contrasts.⁠
Design Concept by Kitzig Interior Design ⁠
#kitzigdesignstudios #kitziginteriordesign #interiordesign #hotelconsulting #hotelbrand #hotelinvest #hoteldevelopment #hospitality #hoteldesign
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Holzelemente, helle Farben und ein anspruchsvolles Lichtdesign sorgen in den Räumen für Wärme und Home-Feeling. Das harmonische Gesamtkonzept sorgt auch im Restaurant-Bereich für eine angenehme Atmosphäre. Die Gäste können sich frei entfalten und ihren Aufenthalt ganz nach den eigenen Wünschen planen.⁠
Wooden elements, bright colours and a sophisticated lighting design create a warm and homely feel in the rooms. The harmonious overall concept also creates a pleasant atmosphere in the restaurant area. Guests are free to unfold and plan their stay according to their own wishes.⁠
Design by Kitzig Interior Design ⁠
#kitzigdesignstudios #kitziginteriordesign #interiordesign #hotelconsulting #hotelbrand #hotelinvest #hoteldevelopment # hospitality # revitalisation #hilton
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⁠Das Zimmerkonzept nutzt die Standard Zimmergrößen optimal für unterschiedliche Nutzungsmöglichkeiten. Das flexible Mobiliar ermöglicht den Gästen eine schnelle und einfache Umfunktionierung des Zimmers: Hier kann gearbeitet oder ein Rückzugsort geschaffen werden.⁠
The room concept makes optimum use of the standard room sizes for different uses. The flexible furnishings allow guests to quickly and easily convert the room into a workspace or a place of retreat.⁠
Design by Kitzig Interior Design ⁠
#kitzigdesignstudios #kitziginteriordesign #roomdesign #roomconcept #hoteldesign #hospitality #interiordesign #room #beddesign
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Ein stilsicheres und edeles Design verleiht diesem Penthouse seinen luxuriösen Charakter! Die Kombination aus wenigen Dekorationselementen und einem atmosphärischen Beleuchtungskonzept mit stilvollen Highlights unterstreicht den außergewöhnlichen Stil.⁠
A stylish and elegant design gives this penthouse its luxurious character! The combination of a few decorative elements and an atmospheric lighting concept with stylish highlights emphasises the extraordinary style.⁠
Design by Kitzig Interior Design⁠
#kitzigdesignstudios #kitziginteriordesign #interiordesign #penthouse #livingroom #homedesign #arpartment #berlin #penthousedesign #apartmentdesign